5 Ways To Build A Successful Wellness Program at Workplace

Madhu Prasad
1 min readJun 26, 2018
  1. Stop calling it a Wellness Program

Because the word “Wellness” is a Vague word at work

Name it as “Productivity Enhancement Program


All it boils down to reducing healthcare cost, Healthy employees, enhancing business productivity.

2. Look deep into the ocean of your business:

Build a healthcare center that ensures employees are healthy and happy

Create a culture that holds employees accountable and helps leadership team define roles and rights

3. Access the problem:

Conduct Bio-metric screening of your employees because if you don’t measure you’ll never know the serious and expensive illness lie in wait

4. Define your strategy

Analyze the date and build a plan for making the employee happy and healthy.

5. Rely on experts

The key to any successful health & wellness program is integrating it with a business productivity plan.

